Welcome To SAFEDIST | Proximity Detection System for construction

Safedist Components

Contactless Technology for Equipment Collision Prevention

Operator Assistance Systems – Personnel Detection Systems

Magnetic Field Generators

Operator Assistance Systems – Personnel Detection Systems

SAFEDIST® Magnetic Field Generators, installed on moving equipment, are reliable and designed to withstand the harsh environments in the construction industry. Your Heavy machinery can provide a proximity alert to nearby pedestrians or other equipment, through the Magnetic Field Generator System. This is an essential element of the SAFEDIST® proximity detection system – it produces the precise adjustable zone around the equipment. Depending on the application and equipment multiple MFGs may be used. These systems help improve safety awareness by detecting other vehicles, structures, or personnel when they are too close. 

Collision Avoidance Technology for Staff and Workers

SAFEDIST® Personal Alarm Devices are worn by the personnel on the job site. These devices are typically mounted to the hard hat, and issue proximity alerts when within the detection zones of your equipment. These devices alert with audible and visual indicators; while simultaneously transmitting a signal to alert the equipment operator.

Heavy Equipment Collision Avoidance & Data Metrics

The Magnetic Field Generators can also be equipped with a Collision Avoidance Module which provides an alert to other equipment when in close proximity. 

The system works to prevent costly equipment damage by providing both operators alerts to stop or change course due to close proximity. 

The MFG also records all proximity interactions, and additional operational data. This data can then be transmitted via our reporting system for data analysis.